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Quotes that are about wealth, money and power.

Updated on June 28, 2012

There is wisdom in words.

Money and dominion are both issues that affect all of us, everyday of our lives. For better or worse, whether we like it or not. Each of us either arbitrating or succumbing to those that possess them. Experiencing the consequences of the yielding of power and the almost endless chase for cold hard cash.

In part wealth and power are alluring, things we are influenced to aspire to achieve and to desire. In part something that is to be detested and rejected. Yet society dictates either subtly or otherwise that this is the way of greatness and objects to be wanting of. Weather it be how to obtain riches or influence or how to keep a firm hold of your position and fortune. It's of little surprise that one of the most searched terms on the Internet is how to make money. Just what they mean to us and why there is such an emotional attachment to these issues, are littered for all to see, the world over.

Quotes are a great way of analysing our thoughts, feelings and perspectives. Wealth and power, both being subjects that are by no means exempt. Pearls of wisdom from those in the know, lending us a drop of knowledge we may otherwise have missed or offering us an alternative view on what we think, we thought we knew.

'All power corrupts and absolute power corrupts, absolutely'

The influence of power, like money is great and no other quote heeds this warning quite as profoundly as this one does. People in positions of power have demonstrated the ageless accuracy of these few words throughout history and it's as true today as its ever been.

"Who ever has the cash, has the control"

I would have liked to claim this quote as my own, because firstly it's a real corker and secondly as yet, I have been unable to find it anywhere else as officially anyone else's. However, rather unfortunately for me, I think it is probably a derision or modification of something I have heard or read before and therefore it is sadly, not mine. Which is a shame because, as I said before I think it's a brilliant quote and I would love to be able to attribute it to it's rightful owner.

Anyway, lets get back on topic. We know this philosophy to be true, we see examples of it everyday. Those with wealth dictate to those without. Everything in society is a commodity, this is nothing new and it looks like it's set to stay that way for the foreseeable future.

'The love of money, is the root of all kinds of evil'

This is a very famous and well used quote, however is often used in the shorted form as 'money is the root of all evil'. It is taken from a passage in the bible (1 Timothy 6:10) and although I do not regard myself as a religious person, there is a lot of wisdom in that book.

When money becomes our number one priority everything else takes a back seat and ultimately suffers. We all need to work and earn our keep in this world, as to get by in life. But what is the true cost of obtaining great riches and what kind of evils do they present?

"He that never fails, never grows rich"

Unless you are one of the very few people of the earth that have been born into wealth or had immense riches bestowed upon you from sheer luck. Any successful entrepreneur or business owner will tell you that their culmination of wealth did not simply fall into their lap and It takes a lot hard work and dedication to make substantial amounts of money. Their failures lead to success and without them they would not be in the comfortable financial situation that they eventually find themselves in today.

'Money can't buy you love.'

I love this song by the Beatles and I also really appreciate the sentiment. There is nothing greater in this whole world then love and ain't no amount of cash is going to change that fact.

"Knowledge is power"

Knowledge should be shared but is often not, this is because information can be a very useful tool, especially in regards to beating ones competition or opposition. Those in possession of knowledge are at an advantage to those exempt from it. The Internet and education are very good examples of this, those without the ability to access these valuable resources are left with  limited options and little power.

'Enough is great ritches'

This danish proverb is a real gem. How much happier we would be if we remembered this. There are so many people all over the world with not even the most basic of their needs met and yet we still covert so much.

"I like money cause, greens my favourite colour"

This quote was coined by snoop doggy dogs son on the program fatherhood and I think is a great example of how differently children view not only money but the world in general. Before the complications of life as a grown up take hold, for children a dollar bill or a pound note is just a piece of paper.

'The management of a balance of power is a permanent undertaking, not an exertion that has a foreseeable end'

This quote by Harry Kissinger, is very eloquent and demonstrates the need to continue to strive for and maintain a fair balance of power.

'With great power, comes great responsibilty'

As you probably already know, this is the mantra of any great super hero, as children we are taught this through the medium of our heroes and yet how often this is ignored by those in power as we reach adulthood?

Seemingly easily dismissed, taken for granted or forgotten. When in a position of power you are also in a position of responsibility too, however since the 2009 recession, I soon realised just how little this meant to many big business owners and the majority of high earners from the banks.  


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